In the internet I find a interesting linear KIT what brings out 50 Watts with only 5mW input!
So I ordered it and try it out. The manual from that KIT is easy to read and the KIT is even so easy too build. The linear board must be carefully grounded and you need good coax cables. You have over 30W output, if you only touch the input with your fingers 🙂
So I build everything in a good case with good RG-174 cables and the I adjust it inside the case.
The linear have IRF510 as finals, but it works up to 10m ! I remove the first driver, because I like to input 100-200mW. The Linear brings by my with 24V the 50 Watts with the 100mW input. With the 12V the half. The sine looks great on the oscilloscope.
In the moment I use it with the Redifon GR-345. I can use it with the Lima too. The Lima linear I gave to a friend. He use it with a FT-817.
Great performance for that money. The linear is the FET-PA50 and the band filter is the TP-50.
You can get it here: