The LimaSDR selfmade transceiver

In January 2014 I build a LimaSDR Transceiver for all shortwave bands. It works with PowerSDR Software. You need a very good sound card for this transceiver. I need four weeks to finish the transceiver.

Frequeny: 250 kHz to 30 MHz
Output: Lower bands 2-3 Watt upper bands 1 Watt.

Tha costs was:
100€ parts
30€ Case and knobs
40€ Low pass Filter
15€ Cable

That was all the parts for the transceiver

The beginning of the receiver

The finish transmitter

The finish SDR Transceiver

The finish Low pass filter.

The complete LimaSDR transceiver Set

The LimaSDR transceiver works great. But you need a really big computer and a very good sound card to use it good. It was a lot of fun to build the transceiver. But I’am a fan from old heavy radios. I miss the knobs on a SDR transceiver. I think about to sale the Lima.

Here you can get the complete information’s and the schematics:

3 thoughts on “The LimaSDR selfmade transceiver

  1. GT Donald,
    ich habe auch einen LimaSDR und würde auch gerne PSK damit betreiben.
    Auf deinem YouTube Video kann ich leider nicht erkenn mit welcher Software du arbeitest. Bitte gib mir Deine Info wie ich zum erfolg kommen kann.
    Danke, vy 73 de Walter DH3WL

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