For my QRP transceiver (Kenwood TS-120V) I build a Z-Matzch antenna tuner.
I found the schematic in the internet. Its a ZM-2 ATU clone.
Inside the tuner. I take bigger parts, so the tune can handle 100 Watts PEP.
Here its in use with a symmetric dipole.
Here is the schematic for this tuner.
Here you can download the manual: zm-2 manual
A parts list for your tuner would be appreciated. I want my tuner to work at about 20 watts.
Of course the air capacitors would be needed. The SWR bridge section is what I’m interested in.
73, Jack
Please read the complete side! On the side you will find the schematics and the manual (from the Original). Inside also a Partlist.
I had not more to build that.
73 de DC2WK